Many low-income homeowners struggle to pay off their mortgages or property rent costs. It is easier for said homeowners to experience homelessness than others, and this problem can create a real strain on local communities. But there is a solution available for low-income families and households that are struggling to find homes when they cannot afford their current options.
Rapid rehousing is available to help low-income households by offering short-term rental assistance. The program is a measure introduced by the American government as part of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009. It works as an intervention to prevent further issues from developing due to a household being unable to afford a property.
The program has become particularly effective over time, as it reduces the risk of people becoming homeless once more, plus it is a more cost-effective approach to managing housing issues. It can work for both people who need help finding affordable housing and those who require support covering rent expenses for whatever properties they have now.
You can use a rapid rehousing service if your family needs financial assistance in getting into a new permanent property or covering your current rent debts. The ultimate goal of rapid rehousing is to improve how well people can find and support secure houses while reducing the risk of becoming homeless.
The idea of rapid rehousing is to do a few things:
As the name suggests, rapid rehousing can help you find a property in less time than you might expect. You can contact a local rapid rehousing program in your area and receive assistance in about thirty days on average.
Learn more about Rapid Rehousing from HUD Exchange
Rapid rehousing is particularly critical for people experiencing domestic abuse situations. According to the HEARTH Act of 2009, a person or family aiming to flee a domestic violence situation or any other dangerous or life-threatening situation can be considered homeless.
The steps you’ll follow in a rapid rehousing program include:
After finding a solution through a rapid rehousing firm, you can move on to receiving financial aid. The aid will help cover:
Even after finding housing, you can receive continued support such as:
Visit the National Alliance to End Homelessness for additional resources