Electric and Heating Bill Assistance

Electric and Heating Bill Assistance

Winter months can put even more of a financial strain on a lot of hard-working families as they see a spike in heating and electric bills brought on by colder weather and extra holiday expenses. This hardship is even more wide spread as we all face different financial consequences brought on by the Covid-19 Pandemic. These financial strains to meet monthly obligations are now a year round struggle. The good news is there is help available if you or your family is facing being left in the cold or in the dark all year round.

The first place most people start to find assistance with their utilities is to apply for government programs that are in place to help in this kind of emergency. You can call the United Way Information line 2-1-1 for assistance or vist 211.org You can also find different programs through HUD HUD l (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)like the HOPE Program that can help. Get Assistance and qualify for aid by applying at NEAR (Natonal Energy Assistance Referal) to find state funded utility assistance programs.

Another option that can deter disconnection is reaching out to charity organizations that have programs in place to help remedy this specific issue. To locate or qualify for this kind of assistance you have to look locally and reach out to many in your area. One of the most popular is an orginazation called LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program). People that are struggling financially may qualify for up to $1,000 in financial assistance toward their energy bill that qualify through LIHEAP. Some other charities and orginizations that are know to help are Cathloic Charities, and The Salvation Army. Visit their sites to learn about the application process and the criteria required for you to qualify. You can also reference our Helping Hands Act Programs Resource DirectoryAccess Here to find additional charities that may offer assistance.

If you find your self struggling to make ends meet this month and are facing disconnection reaching out directly to your provider like PGE and they usually offer a one time assistance solution. For direct assistance to obtain this one time help on paying your energy statement vist them PGE Here.

Many households find the winter season a very difficult time to get through with out an increase of income that supports their rising utility cost. Its not always possible to cover the increase, but if you can reprioritize your needs or eliminate any nonessential cost through out the year to prepare for the colder months its another solution to beat costly disconnection and reconnection situations.

If that is simply not an option please utilize the programs outlined above to get the assistance you qualify for. Visit our comprehensive online resource directory (insert RB resource directory here) that can assist in covering other cost or in obtaining the financial assistance you need though grants, programs and other resources available to you fedearly and locally. You can also find housing assistance, food assistance, and other emergency assistance that can help offset the hardship that so many Americans are now facing.

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