The worries you will hold after losing your job can be concerning. You don’t know when you’ll be able to get a new job and it might not be as easy to get one as you expect. But you don’t have to worry about your finances when you apply for unemployment benefits.
You can apply for unemployment benefits to help you receive income while searching for a new job. But the timeframe you’ll have for using those benefits will be limited. The steps for applying for these funds will also vary by state but the rules are helpful.
What Are Unemployment Benefits?
Unemployment benefits work as a form of insurance for when you lose your job. You can apply for these benefits in your area to help you receive money to cover your expenses for a few months after losing your job. This setup works for a few weeks or months as you search for a new job.
Are You Eligible?
You will need to apply for unemployment benefits in your state or local area. The standards for whether you can qualify for benefits will vary by state.
There are a few steps you’ll have to follow to be eligible for these benefits:
Getting the Benefits Ready
You can apply for unemployment benefits after you confirm your eligibility. You can use these steps:
What Will You Receive and When Will You Get It?
The funds you’ll earn through unemployment insurance will vary by situation and state. You can get a couple of hundred dollars a week through a program.
You’ll only receive your funds for a limited time. Most states let you collect unemployment funds for up to twelve weeks. This timeframe should be enough to assist you with your expenses while you’re still searching for a new job.
How To Prove You’re Seeking Employment
One point about receiving unemployment benefits involves showing that you are actively seeking a new job. The rules for how you will show you’re searching for new employment vary by state, but there are a few points to see:
What If Your Hours Were Reduced?
One point to see for unemployment benefits involves how you might get partial benefits if you are still employed at your job but your hours were substantially reduced. Some states, like Missouri, offer benefits where you can receive partial benefits if your hours are significantly less than what you usually have.
In states where this offer is available, you’d have to report all your wages for the week and be available for work at all times. There should be proof that there is nothing that would keep you from working regular hours. You may also lose those benefits if you are offered work elsewhere and refuse it.
Unemployment benefits will provide a safety cushion in case you lose your job for any reason that wasn’t your fault. The timeframe for when you’ll receive them is limited, plus you’ll need to ensure you’re searching for new employment to keep earning your funds. But you’ll find that money to be helpful for your life while you actively look for a new job.